Category: Health

  • CoolSculpting Elite Fat Reduction at Halley Body Slimming

    CoolSculpting Elite Fat Reduction at Halley Body Slimming

    “Why Isabelle’s tummy so big?” That is one of the most common jabs that, ironically, women remark when they see me in a fitted dress. Give me a break, I’m 38, and I have stubborn fats too, it’s not a problem exclusively to child-bearing women. Since I had the surgery to remove 2 fist-size cysts…

  • Kinohimitsu Superfood Lady Nutrition for Feminine Health

    Kinohimitsu Superfood Lady Nutrition for Feminine Health

    I’ve always been concerned about feminine health and to add to that, I really like supplement drinks. Kinohimitsu is also one of my top choices for my supplementary needs so the combination of feminine health, supplement drink and a trusted brand is like hitting the jackpot. Why Kinohimitsu Superfood Lady? It’s pink and packed with…

  • Age Backwards with Marine Collagen

    Age Backwards with Marine Collagen

    As I’m entering the next decade of my life, I’m starting to notice a change in how my body looks and feels. I’m diligent in my skincare and I try to exercise as regularly as possible but my body does not look as toned as it once did, my metabolism is not as high as…

  • Benefits of Manuka Honey

    Benefits of Manuka Honey

    Who doesn’t love honey? It’s delicious! Manuka Honey is great for your health and is nature’s medicine. You can consume it or even make it a part of your beauty regime like Cleopatra. Either way, it’s a luxurious treat. Why Manuka Honey? Manuka Honey is a type of honey produced by bees in New Zealand…

  • CircleDNA Results

    CircleDNA Results

    CircleNDA helps you proactively manage your health by making better lifestyle choices. With your results, you can prevent and detect cancer and other diseases from genetics by utilising the most advanced WES Technology for results you can trust. With this opportunity, I can also have a brief track of my family’s genetic history. I’ve always…

  • Changefit Diet Shakes

    Changefit Diet Shakes

    Do you get so caught up with work sometimes that you skip meals? I do, especially breakfasts and lunch. It’s such a hassle to make and pack lunch especially when you’re in a rush. Also, when I’m out running errands, I get tempted to buy myself a nice cup of Boba but I worry about…

  • Unique Nutrition Supplements

    Unique Nutrition Supplements

    We all have unique lifestyles and goals but our health is always a baseline for success. That is why I was thrilled when I found you can now create your own perfect high-quality supplements with Unique Nutrition to enhance your daily routine. Why Unique Nutrition? Crafted with a balance of modern science and ancient wisdom, Unique…

  • NATRAHEA ROBOMAX Official Launch

    NATRAHEA ROBOMAX Official Launch

    NATRAHEA is a leading brand in the chiropractic and pain management industry and is the First Smart Pain Management & Rehabilitation Clinic in Singapore to use Robotics for Pain & Spinal Treatment. I had the privilege to attend NATRAHEA’s Official Launch Event of ROBOMAX in celebration on the 10th Anniversary and to experience this revolutionary advancement…

  • How to Sleep Better

    How to Sleep Better

    I was never really a light sleeper and can fall into deep sleep pretty easily when I’m not going through a stressful period. I was also always quite particular with having a good night’s sleep all through out my youth often trying my best to catch a snooze during breaks or rush home to sleep…

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