Acne Face Map: Your Skin’s Cry for Help



Do you find that you always break out at the same areas on your face? Mine is always around the cheeks, nose and recently I get little blocked pores around my mouth area.

Living in Asia and having a lot of Chinese friends, I hear a lot of pantangs (superstition), Chinese folklore (which I have shared some on previous posts) and now, traditional Chinese medication since having recently recovered from surgery. One of such TCM theories is face mapping, in which the break outs at certain areas of your face reflects on your internal health. I found this interesting so I decided to do my own research online.

Chinese medicine doctors believe that certain zones on your face represent different internal parts of your body. But please take note that face mapping is not exactly science, thus the name Traditional Chinese Medicine. While internal issues may be the underlying problem for pimples especially if you frequently get cystic acne, other factors such as hygiene, allergy, hormones and genetics may be the cause of your breakout.

However, understanding your body and what its trying to tell you through these facial areas is a good way to fight acne.

So here I’ve made a face map using a MAC face chart to help you through the mapping process.


  • Go to bed early and wake up early.
  • Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.
  • Drink less carbonated drinks.
  • Take 20 – 30mins to exercise outdoors.
  • Practice relaxation techniques and worry less.
  • Eat healthy food and chew thoroughly to improve digestion.
  • Reduce sugar in your diet.
  • Keep your bangs and hair clean by washing more regularly
  • Check if your skin is sensitive to your hair products.


  • Exercise but avoid over strenuous exercise.
  • Get more sleep.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Avoid food that are less rich (e.g. butter, cheese, milk)
  • Avoid late night snacks.


  • Eat less processed, junk food and fast food.
  • Reduce unhealthy fat in your diet. However healthy fats from avocado and fish are fine.
  • Eat more cooling food such as cucumber and winter melon.
  • Pay attention to hygiene on this area especially if you tend to sweat a lot.


  • Avoid fast food and junk food.
  • Avoid mango, wine, and seafood or other foods you may be sensitive to.
  • Eat less sugar.
  • Get more fresh air.
  • The lung is strongest at 7-9 AM. This is the best time for aerobic exercise.
  • Practice proper hygiene, especially if you live in a polluted city.
  • Check laundry detergent for any irritating ingredients.
  • Change pillow cases frequently if you sleep on this side of your face.
  • Clean cell phones with rubbing alcohol.
  • Lower left cheek acne could represent poor dental health, so keep your gums and teeth healthy by flossing and brushing regularly.


  • Maintain a normal daily routine.
  • Try to keep a positive mood.
  • Eat more cooling foods such as gourds, winter melons and green beans.
  • Don’t overeat, especially junk food.
  • Try to decompress and relax.
  • The liver is the strongest from 1-3 AM. This is when you should be sleeping.
  • The liver is weakest at 1-5 PM, so schedule difficult work for the morning.
  • If you have to work in the afternoon, rest your eyes for 5 minutes every hour.
  • Practice proper hygiene, especially if you live in a polluted city.
  • Check laundry detergent for any irritating ingredients.
  • Change pillow cases frequently if you sleep on this side of your face.
  • Clean cell phones with rubbing alcohol.
  • Lower left cheek acne could represent poor dental health, so keep your gums and teeth healthy by flossing and brushing regularly.


  • Eat less pungent foods (e.g. spices, garlic, onions).
  • Eat less meat.
  • Eat less salt.
  • Eat warm temperature foods that is not too cold or hot.
  • Get more fresh air.
  • Exercise outdoors everyday like going for a walk.
  • Massage the area around your nose for better circulation.
  • Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin B.


  • Eat more fibre.
  • Include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Eat less spicy and fried food.
  • Massage abdominal area in a clockwise motion.
  • Change your toothpaste or lip balm.


  • Reduce the habit of eating before bed.
  • Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Get more rest.
  • Get your hormones checked for imbalances.
  • Get 20 minutes of exercise each day.
  • Sleep early and wake up early, getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
  • Reduce stress as much as possible (yoga, meditating, listening to music, writing in a journal, etc).
  • Massage your body for relaxation, particularly the abdomen.
  • Check toothpaste, mouthwash, and lip balms.
  • Drink spearmint tea.
  • Take omega-3s to help regulate hormones.

Most acne and skin issues have a lot to do with lifestyle and what we eat. This goes to show that healthy habits will provide long term benefits for your body and skin! But of course, every skin is unique and different so what you read here may or may not work for you. Ultimately, it is your skin and you know what is best for you.

I hope you have found this helpful. Do let me know if you would like to read more skin care, acne solution posts, I’ll be happy to help. Stay beautiful, till the next post.

Make Up Forever HD Skin Foundation

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